School Curriculum

Students at Lemnos Primary School engage in a wide variety of traditional and real life curriculum. As a small school, we can offer our students unique personalised experiences that allow our students to grow and learn as individuals as well as members of our small school team.

English Curriculum

Our reading curriculum is based on the Early Years Model in the Junior years. Students participate in a whole class big book focus, then break into small groups to work at a level appropriate to their ability, with teacher assistance and indepedently. Students then rejoin the group at the end of the session to participate in a share time.  Our group sizes are very small, offering your child indvidualised attention to help them achieve to the best of their ability.

Our Senior Students complete a Middle Years Model and participate in a range of guided and independent reading activities. They use higher order thinking skills to reflect on text and participate in a book club where they discuss key points in text and further build on their understandings of the written word.

Oral Language is taught to the junior students and we allocate time for developmental play for our younger students.

Our writing curriculum is based on the VCOP model and students are taught to write in a range of different styles and for different purposes. We use the Words Their Way Spelling Program and students participate in modelled, guided and independent writing sessions. Our students value their published work and enjoy sharing their writing with others.

Mathematics Curriculum

Students engage in a range of Mathematics curriculum at Lemnos Primary School. We use Numeracy Fluency Assessment and activities to indivually cater a program for each student. We also use Maths Plus curriculum, worded problems and teacher led hands on activities. Students also participate in hands on real life maths where they apply skills learnt in the classroom to everyday situations.

Inquiry and Other Curriculum
Students at Lemnos PS participate in an inquiry topic each term that is based in an area of either Science or Humanities.

They also participate in a wide varitey of extra curricular activities such as

  • Art
  • Library
  • Sport
  • STEM
  • Bike Education
  • Social Development Programs
  • Local Excursions- participating in experiences in our local area, eg watching performances, cluster days etc
  • Other Excursions- Participating in experiences in Melbourne, eg, the Zoo, Quantum Science School etc
  • Camps

At Lemnos Primary School we have a balance between traditional core curriculum and real life experiences. Students at Lemnos enjoy coming to school and every day is a new adventure. We strive to make every day an engaging learning opportunity.